11/19/11 False Alarm!
I was hoping to have my baby yesterday, but it didn't happen. I had contractions at 8:30am in the morning for about an hour and a half, which were 10 minutes apart before I decided to call the doctor's office. The doctor told me to come in at 1:45pm to check to see if my cervix was dilated. No dilation. I had to come back at 4:30pm to check for dilation again. In the meantime, my husband and I ate lunch at the Elephant Bar. No dilation. By 5pm, the contractions were going away.
I invited a few friends over and we chatted til 9pm. Only 3 contractions since I been home and three more later on that evening. We scheduled a c-section for Monday, November 28th. Anything can happen between now and then. Hopefully I can enjoy a nice Thanksgiving dinner at my mom's house without any interruptions.... we'll see.
10/13/11 Almost Done!
I am 159.4 lbs. My maximum weight should be 171 lbs, if I gain the average 35 lbs. during this pregnancy. All 3 doctors say its ok for me to go ahead a try to do a VBAC. I am aware of the possible 0.5% - 1% chance of uterine rupture.
I am currently 32 weeks (8 months) and 6 days. My belly has dropped a little, which makes me think she is going to come earlier than what I expected. She is very active, especially at night, kicking my ribs. No complications. A little prenatal yoga to help get the baby in position, and for stretching to make it easier for the baby to come down the birth canal.
Still working. I even went on an interview for a lice treatment center and got the job. I'm waiting to go through training and I can work after I have the baby. Pay is GREAT and hours are very flexible! I can't wait.
I wouldn't have thought that taking prenatal yoga would have such an impact on my body. I feel energized and at peace. The yoga positions are preparing my body for childbirth (lots of leg and hip stretches). Hopefully I can do a VBAC.
My appointments are now bi-weekly. I meet with an actual doctor now. I'm waiting on the VBAC doctor to come back from vacation to speak with him in great detail about the complications and concerns of VBAC.
As if I wasn't busy enough (doing hair and nails, building my website, being a mom to a 3 year old mini me, cooking, cleaning, wife...) I'm taking my first prerequisite class to apply for the Nursing Program- Sociology 101. I didn't think I'd be in class this semester, but I received a surprise email from the instructor about adding the class. The class is online, so it definitely works with my schedule. So far so good- a perfect score on the first quiz.
Kennedy counted to 93 yesterday; a nice surprise. She also had fun playing with her cousins at Aunt Tonda's house. I think having a sibling will be fun for her. Only time will tell.
Looks like it's gonna be another baby girl. Now Erik and I have to find a name for her. Now I can keep all of Kennedy's old clothes, organize them, wash them again and put them away. I am also waiting to receive the medical records about my previous c-section. I am considering doing a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean) if at all possible. We'll see what happens. Baby shower possibly in mid October.
The kids' room is painted and Kennedy is sleeping in her own room now. I need to make and install the curtains (I have the fabric), install 1 or 2 bookcases, and finish the custom made toy box (compliments of my mom). So far so good for the first two days. I'm on the fence as to whether or not I should put a television in her room. For the past two days she has fallen asleep without watching Wow Wow Wubzy, which is a good thing. A light snack soon as she gets in from school, a little home work which consists of tracing her name, shapes and numbers, dinner, bath time and night-night. Then I can have a little "me" time... well what's left of it.
This time around, pregnancy is making me an evil bitch; very hormonal, to the point where I really don't want to be bothered. I just want to go to work, eat and sleep. That's it. Poor Erik. Awww.... he has to feel the I'm trying to keep to myself calm. I've reached the halfway mark. I'll be 22 weeks on Friday, July 29th.
I felt the bun in the oven kick/move for the very first time. Even though I am only 16 weeks pregnant, I felt some movement. I tapped and pushed at my lower abdominal area, right where the doctor does the ultra sound, and it responded. Can't wait to find out if it's a boy! The kids' room is almost cleaned out. Hopefully I can paint the room 4th of July weekend.
6/17/11 Counting
She can count to 30 now... " 27, 28, 29, 20-10! I did it! "
6/15/11 Momma's Proud
I'm so proud of Kennedy (my 2 year old). She is moving to the 3 year old class next week instead of this coming Fall. She's potty trained, knows all her letters and numbers, and can write her own name.
5/23/11 Another One?!
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